For the last week or two one of the streets I take on my route home has been roped off. Not entirely blocked off, but there has been that red and white striped "no parking zone" tape strung the length of it on both sides. The cars that were parked there when it was put up were roped in. Every so often a few traffic cones would appear blocking some parking spots.
I wondered about it half-heartedly on several occasions. Misa and I wondered about it together on our way home from the Tahiti 80 Concert.
Today I found out what it's there for.
Today on my way home I stumbled upon a film in the making. It is a scene involving a car with 4 passengers driving down the street. They were rehearsing it and blocking the shoot at about 8:30 so my guess is they wanted to shoot at night.
I chatted briefly with an older woman who was also watching the action. I had actually passed by she and her husband walking their dog a few blocks back. We were unable to determine if the shoot was for a film or a TV show or a commercial, but she did tell me that regarding the actors in the car, she had seen them before on TV -at least, for the two who were seated in the front seats. If I understood her correctly she was saying she had seen them in TV broadcasts of films. A man and a woman.
I later asked one of the police officers standing blocking the other end of the street what was happening. She told me they were shooting a film but wouldn't tell me what the name of the film was or anything else. It's likely she didn't know. I wasn't bold enough to ask the crew themselves.
The video of it and the photos are fantastically exciting <
a plus!

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