(i can't get blogger to let me arrange the photos or where the text goes in relationship to them, so please pardon the discombobulated look)
The requisite Eiffel Tower shots. Dusk. A little blurry.. sorry. Just as a point of reference: this is two blocks from where my classes are. Pretty sweet, eh? ;)
At the Sunday market at Place Monge with Sylvie. There is the knife/scissor sharpener ... why have such services disappeared from most places in the states? He's so handy!
Some night shots from the bridge across the Seine, on my walk between Sylvie's house and Arthur's loft.

There are ads all over Paris for Orangina that are variations on this one. Amazing.
Walking from Gare d'Austerlitz back toward Sylvie's. I was having a really crappy day, and it was cold and grey, as it had been for days. But I loved this willow tree. And the walk along the river was great (and very long).
Some cool iron work on the side of a building, and the attractive, very typical architecture next to it.
(above) The Hotel d'Invalides, courtyard. Me walking through the gardens in between Invalides and the river on my way towards the American University, and a front view of Invalides.
Below that are photos of Sylvie's book signing at a little bookstore near where I was staying in La Marais.
Rachie, Thanks for posting some pictures. they are beautiful!